Little Mermaid Movie Review

I promise my children that this summer would be our return to the movie theatres and I have kept that promise. The first movie we checked off our list was the live-action remake of Disney’s The Little Mermaid starring Halle Baliey and Melissa McCarthy.

As a black woman, there was no way I wasn’t going to support this movie when it came out with good or bad reviews. My family dollars were needed to counter all the race haters who planned on boycotting in honor of all the real mermaids who lost out on the role.

My Review.

I give it a three out of five. I know, I know, I know but hear me out. It’s a remake of a movie that wasn’t all that to start with. When it comes to Disney’s movies the original Little Mermaid isn’t even one of my top favorites. Not when it comes to storylines and especially not when it comes to music. Although Scuttle Butt Song by Awkwafina is a new favorite, the rest of the songs don’t hold a candle to the songs in Moana, Mulan, or The Princess and the Frog.

Not to mention the plot is simple and predictable. What did make the movie amazing was Halle Bailey. I don’t know ya’ll It’s just something about that girl that just glows on camera. During the scenes when she couldn’t take you could just see it. She has something special. Can’t wait to see her in The Color Purple.

Now let’s talk about Melissa McCarthy. When I say this role was meant for her. She is Ursala and Ursala is her and there is nothing else to say. Homegirl bodied it. Period.

The supporting cast came in at 50/50 with Scuttle and Sabtisan did their damn thing, but Flounder and Prince Erick were basic as hell.

I overthink things too much and I saw the whole movie through colored folks’ lenses, wondering why this black girl wanted to turn her back on her people to be a part of these white people’s world so bad. Didn’t she know how special and unique she was?

Over all it a good movie and I’m glad I took the squad to go see it.

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